ShankRC (

Custom Built R/C Aircraft and Laser Cutting Service

J-3 Cub Restoration Underway

My how time flies….more than a year since my last post already!  Been doing quite a bit of flying this year and not a lot of building.  Lawn darted the Yak-54 a few weeks ago so it is no more.  Seems the Futaba micro servos didn’t like the blender maneuver…stripped the gears in both aileron servos, elevator servo, and rudder servo all at once.  Went to the ground like it was on rails.  Oh well, on to bigger and better planes.

The Sig 1/6 scale J-3 restoration is coming along nicely.  I just installed the servos tonight and am that much closer to covering.  All that is left to do is strip the covering from the landing gear and treat that fuel soaked wood up front.  Check out the progress pictures under Current Projects at the left.



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