30% Super Decathlon Test Build
Big update tonight….most of the fuselage framing is complete and wing construction has begun. Visit the link to the left for many more pictures.
Big update tonight….most of the fuselage framing is complete and wing construction has begun. Visit the link to the left for many more pictures.
The main cabin supports have to be routed out to accept the 1/8" steel wire. This is easily accomplished with a rotary tool.
Test fitting the rear cabin support and checking alignment again with F13, F14, and F15s in place.
All of the 1/8"x1/2" balsa stringers in place.
U-bolts in place capturing the cabin wires.
All bottom stringers glued in place.
The outer 2 top rear stringers are a little tricky in this area. Wet the balsa to prevent it from cracking as you curve it in place.
Left side window cutouts. I decided to run this sheeting to the top of F15 instead of trying to fit it to the shape of the wing. The reasoning will be clearer once the wing center section is built.
Tags: Decathlon, Hostetler, kit cutter, laser, laser cut, laser cut kits, Super Decathlon, Wendell Hostetler
This entry was posted by Brent Shank on Monday, February 3rd, 2014 at 10:21 pm and is filed under rc aircraft kit builds, rc aircraft scratch builds. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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