Clancy Aviation Lazy Bee
The Lazy Bee will be built and made ready to fly for a customer in Ohio. The Bee came to me with the wing already built but it was crushed during shipping and will have to be re-worked. I don’t think the wing could have been packaged by the owner any better than it was so I have to assume the shipper used it for a football game or perhaps bench seating, The wing is fairly fragile when built to plan so I may substitute some spruce or basswood for the main spar in lieu of balsa. The spruce will add a good bit of strength with negligible weight gain.
On initial inspection I had planned to salvage the wing tip bows and build the rest from scratch. After looking closer I now plan to re-kit the wing and salvage most of the shaped material. I might have given a go at repairing this wing if it weren’t for the main spar being split in half right near the center-line.
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Very helpful post re Bee build. Building from plan, I wonder whether the wing structure and tips securing method could do with some beefing up? Specifically I made double thickness laminated wing ribs and an extra rib at the tip joint to glue to end wing rib.
Otherwise wing looks a bit frail to me.
The wing is without a doubt frail to say the least. I replaced the balsa main spars on this one with spruce and it made a considerable difference. However, with the amount of these birds in the air, I would say that the original design holds up quite well despite being frail.
Hi again …
A query about the front wing mount. Not used to seeing a single central peg and would prefer a dowel at each side, like the t/e one.
In your experience is the front one secure enough?
I’ve never flown one of these myself but have seen several over the years. The wing mount at the front, if done correctly with the thread wrap, is plenty strong enough. I don’t think i have ever heard of any issues with it. You could certainly run a dowel across the fuselage if that is your preference but be certain that it is secure enough not to pull up through the fuselage sides/cabin top.
I have the 72″ version and am getting a lot of tail/rudder flutter over about 1/3 throttle. The pushrod guide runs from just behind the rudder servo to the outside of the tail where the pushrod exits. I thought it might be a sloppy servo, but it appears that the pushrod itself is the only thing that moves side to side. Don’t know how to stop the flutter.
hi,i am looking for a lazy bee kit or plans.i would prefer a kit.please let me know,thanks,tom
Tom…I do not sell the kit but you can buy a short kit at There is a link on that page to download the plans as well plus they can be found on numerous other sites online. In all honesty, there are only a dozen or so cut parts to this kit so it would be super simple to cut by hand. Let me know if you have trouble downloading the plans and I will email you a set.